Airfield search


Also known as: Blenheim Grange / Griston / Neaton / RAF Station, Watton / RAF Watton / USAAF Station 376 / USAAF Station 505 / Watton Aerodrome
County: Norfolk
Current Status: Farmland / Housing / Prison
Date: 4 January 1939 - 1992
Current Use: Disused
Used By: RAF / USAAF

The following organisations are either based at, use and/or have at least potentially significant connections with the airfield (as at 01/09/2011):

  • Carbrooke Parish Council
  • Griston Parish Council
  • RAF
  • St Mary's Church, Watton
  • Watton Library
  • Watton Town Council
  • Wayland Prison

Notable Past Associated Organisations:

  • Watton Radio Model Club

Main unit(s) present:

  • No 1 AACU 'A' Flight
  • 3rd Strategic Air Depot

  • No 15 SFTS
  • No 17 (P) AFU

  • No 18 Sqn

  • No 21 Sqn

  • 25th BG (R)

  • No 34 Sqn

  • No 51 Sqn

  • No 82 Sqn

  • No 90 Sqn

  • No 97 Sqn

  • No 98 Sqn

  • No 105 Sqn

  • No 115 Sqn

  • No 116 Sqn

  • No 151 Sqn

  • No 192 Sqn

  • No 199 Sqn

  • No 245 Sqn

  • No 263 Sqn

  • No 360 Sqn

  • No 361 Sqn
  • No 527 Sqn

  • No 611 VGS

  • No 751 Sqn

  • No 815 Sqn

  • 803rd Reconnaissance Group

  • No 1508 BAT Flight
  • No 2724 Sqn RAF Regiment
  • No 4038 Anti-Aircraft Flight RAF Regiment
  • No 4179 Anti-Aircraft Flight RAF Regiment
  • No 4183 Anti-Aircraft Flight RAF Regiment
  • No 4219 Anti-Aircraft Flight RAF Regiment
  • No 4220 Anti-Aircraft Flight RAF Regiment
  • Air Defence Missile Operations Training School

  • Central Signals Establishment

  • Electronic Warfare Engineering and Training Unit

  • Electronic Warfare Support Unit

  • Electronic Warfare Support Wing

  • Ground Controlled Approach Operators School

  • Radio Warfare Establishment

  • RAF Watton Flying Club

  • Signals Air Radio Laboratories

  • Signals Command Air Radio Laboratories

  • Surface-to-Air Missile Operational Training School

001-263 & Griston.jpg

No 263 Squadron Bloodhounds at Watton, 1963. Courtesy of Martin Gorner

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B Flight, No 263 Squadron at Watton, 1963. Courtesy of Martin Gorner


No 263 Squadron personnel at Watton, 1963. Courtesy of Martin Gorner


The last Bloodhound Mk1 of 263 Squadron at Watton, being removed from launcher B8, 1963. Courtesy of Martin Gorner

005The last Bloodhound Mk1 of 263 Squadron,  being removed from launcher B8..jpg

The last Bloodhound Mk1 of 263 Squadron at Watton, being removed from launcher B8, 1963. Courtesy of Martin Gorner

006RAF Watton MQs Sale Hockleys 13 Dec 1990.BMP

A brochure for the sale of airfield buildings at Watton, 1990. Courtesy of Welbeck Estate Group

Aerial footage of Watton, May 2016. Courtesy of maynorfolk

Parent(s)/HQ Airfield(s):




Relief Landing Ground(s):


Decoy Airfield(s):

Breckles / West Bradenham

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