1st January 1945

Returned from leave. Given P1 Typhoon for A84. Anson to Lasham, Stayed at Swan with Arthur. Flicks in the evening; "Pin up Girl" (P1 – Priority One a/c; Arthur – F/C Irwin).

2nd January 1945

Foggy. Transport to airfield. Cleared pm and took off after Hayward. Recalled on R/T, B--- nuisance. Tea in mess, back to Swan, Alton. Had to share double bed with Arthur in annexe. (R/T – ATA were now using radio and had own call signs; mine was Ferdinand 61).

3rd January 1945

Cloudy but clear. Briefed and airborne am. Nice a/c, with jettison tanks. Low fog at A84, but made it ok. Wanted us to go on to B 70, but Arthur not happy. Had lunch, went in Anson to start David, and then home, me flying. ("start David" – presumably his Typhoon?) 

4th January 1945

Fair. Given two Bostons but then given Spit to B77. Flew Anson to Lasham. Set off with Wrightson. Mk XIV’s but we went with 50 galls left. Just missed Anson, stayed at mess, very nice. (B 77 – Gilze Rijen, former Luftwaffe airfield). 

5th January 1945

Noisy night, V1’s all the time. Caught Anson for Brussels via Eindhoven. Got a Dak from B58 for Northolt. Landed in the dark. Car nearly missed us; back very late. (Dak – Dakota).

6th January 1945

Doubtful weather. Had Tempest pm to WW from Langley. Aerobatted and chased a Dak, in lovely weather above cloud. First loop in Tempest, ok. Nice landing. 

7th January 1945

Given two Mossies, but swapped for two Spits, a Wimpey and a Boston. First Spit not ready, no AID. Returned to WW and took F/C to Brize. Mk VIII Spit took off in snowstorm, but soon into good weather. Nice ride to Dumfries, but rough below cloud. Wimpey XII from Dumfries, had to de-ice. Took off in cross wind. Swung a bit. Lovely ride down Welsh coast. T/O in Boston delayed by snow shower. Back by car. (AID = Air: Inspection Dept. F/C = Fairchild taxi).

8th January 1945

Spit to B 60. Briefed and me off first. Mk XVI, very nice. Thick and snowy over there, B 60 u/s so went to B 56. Saw others land. Checked Sqdn at B 61 but could not go through snow. Saw whole ATA gang. (presumably a large number of ATA pilots on same trip). 

9th January 1945

Night at Palace in Brussels. Saw news flick. Up to airfield, de-iced Spit, went to B 60 after graunch round. Lunch there, jeep to B 56. Went to Sa Majeste night club. Very good. ("graunch" - my word for battling with the elements).

10th January 1945

Night at Palace with Jim M, again. Up to airfield but weather hopeless. Fort came in pm and blew up. Awful mess. Damaged two ATA Ansons. Still eleven ATA all told. (Jim M – Jim Mollison; had to help him in to bed!, "Fort" – US B-17 bomber).

11th January 1945

Still thick, but up to B 56 early and got on to Dak for Northolt. Did not finally leave till noon. B – cold and only 6 seats. Took off into fog but made it in 1hr 25 min. Anson picked us up, all 12. 

12th January 1945

Weather bad, east wind. W/O pm. Fellowes took me to London, via his house. Saw model aircraft exhib Dorland Hall, v good.

14th January 1945

Up early, but weather doubtful. Did weather test with Silcock and Fairley. Low cloud. W/O pm. Played chess and Patience.

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