Kemble Airfield could be converted to a huge new housing development as a suburb of Cirencester if new proposals by the owners go ahead. Cotswold Airport, the company which owns the airfield 3.7 miles to the south west of Cirencester is working with Commercial Estates Group (CEG) on a plan which could see a new village of 2,000 houses as well as commercial buildings constructed. And they hope that the development could be incorporated into Cotswold District Council's Local Plan which is being drawn up and which, at the moment, appears to be focusing on a new major development at Chesterton as the main housing supply for Cirencester. A 'vision document' produced by CEG said: "The creation of a new village could sit comfortably within the landscape, historic and ecological framework whilst providing around 2,000 new homes, 175 hectares of land for business, village centre and community use employment opportunities.