ABCT Grants Programme

Launched in 2015 the ABCT Grants Programme provides funding of up to £2500. We wish to give a wider range of people the opportunity to learn more about Britain's airfields and how they have helped to shape the world around us. In 2015/16, we have decided to invest in the following activities to further these objectives;

  • Offering conservation grants of up to £2,500 for the conservation, restoration or introduction of airfield-related artefacts with historic, social, technological, architectural and archaeological importance
  • Offering community grants of up to £500 for activities that enable airfield museums and visitor centres to attract more visitors or engage better with underserved groups. We also offer up to £250 for excursions to airfield museums and similar venues for the benefit of disadvantaged groups such as the elderly, disabled, or those affected by poverty or hardship


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Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust is registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: Suite 1, 7th Floor 50 Broadway, London, England, SW1H 0BL
Registered Company No. 08940364. Registered Charity No (England and Wales): 1156877. Registered Charity No (Scotland): SC041123